Rotary Duck Race Festival
Help Support the Art Center by Adopting a Duck!
Each Spring the Estes Park Rotary Club sponsors the Duck Race Festival for the benefit of local non-profit organizations. The Art Center is one of the participating organizations. When individuals purchase a Duck Race ticket and designate the Art Center as the recipient, a major portion of the ticket price is returned to the Art Center.
The Estes Park Rotary Duck Race Festival is held annually on the first Saturday in May. The Annual Duck Race continues a tradition that started in 1989, which has returned more than $2.4 million to local charities and organizations.
Adoptions are $25 each, with $22 going directly to the Art Center. You can also adopt a 6-Duck Quack Pack for $125, adopt 5 Ducks, get 1 Duck free! The more ducks you adopt, the better your chances to win one of the hundreds of prizes donated by race sponsors.
Please adopt a duck and help us meet this year's fundraising goal. To adopt a duck, go to the Art Center of Estes Park in Lower Stanley Village, call our office at 970-586-5882 or visit